Sunday 30 December 2012

We've had a review from Nell McCloud in Sound on Sound magazine's January 2013 issue - this is what she says:

"The families of Wally and Steve will be relieved to hear that nothing untoward is going on at the bottom of the garden. They're knob twiddlers, for sure, but only of the most harmless kind. In fact, what they're (unwittingly?) making is a tribute to just about every musical genre of the past 100 years, all in 49 and a half minutes. Bonkers? Undoubtedly. Successful? Partly. Enjoyable? Um, yes, yes it is.

There are albums which are made with an eye to commercial success, and this exists in an entirely different sphere. A sphere occupied by the likes of Wally and Steve, who have no doubt been meaning to get together to make music for years; not because they want to be famous, but because they enjoy it. Some parts of this project are far more musically successful than others. I really enjoyed 'The Big House', for example, but some songs flag halfway through. For the most part, though, it's rhythmic, happy and full of unexpected instruments and experiments.

I can't honestly say that this is particularly high-quality music - by mainstream estimation - and I wouldn't encourage attempted domination of large venues. Howevere, if it's not doing any harm, let an Englishman do whatever he likes in his shed, I say. It's probably keeping them out of all sorts of trouble."

Remember - you can buy the Songs From a Shed CD online directly from us by clicking on the PayPal link below. You can also buy a digital copy at the bargain price of £4 from our Bandcamp site, and you can buy copies in two shops - Midgley Community Shop, and the wonderful Muse Music in Hebden Bridge.

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